Supercomputing 2023 - HPC Social Summary!

A summary of the happenings at Supercomputing 2023, Denver in the context of
What a week! We participated in person and virtually for Supercomputing 2023 in Denver. While we cannot cover all the exciting happenings, we will review a brief set of events of interest here.
HPC Social Virtual Noodles Award
This year we launched the first HPC Social Noodles Award, a celebration of our frustrations and comical takes on the events of the year. THe top noodle was, of course, the whole CentOS debacle, followed by a few gripes about software and vendors, and the funny noodles starting at item 7 and on.
Beowulf Bash
HPC Social was present (and giving out stickers) at the bash this year! The branding was… excellent.
I Want to Run my MPI
This was a parody music video made by community leader @vsoch to celebrate a generic HPC technology (MPI) in the high performance community!
She made an effort to engage others to participate, and was only moderately successful to get a few shared pictures. It would be a fun idea if others wanted to participate to a greater extent at some future Supercomputing!
Official Greeting
The “official” greeting for SC23 was tapping someone on the shoulder, as announced by HPC Guru.
Texas Tech Tiny Cluster!
Our very own Alan Sill hosted a booth to show up a tiny cluster! While Raspberry Pi clusters have been around for a long time and useful in hobbyist activities, training, home automation, and training, this was one of the first such small clusters running Fedora 39 as a natively installed OS on the head node and Enterprise Linux (in this case Rocky) on the worker nodes. More to come as other mainline popular cluster tools like Warewulf, Spack and/or EasyBuild, and Slurm and/or Flux schedulars are added.
The HPC Social Community
And finally, we close with a few shots shared in the HPC Social slack! We love our community! ❤️
Felix (finally) got his “I am HPC Guru” pin!